
TaxSarts renders tailor made tax advisory services. We therefore CAN NOT define our services as standard “products” but in order to give you some idea, we provide you with the following non-exhaustive list:

  1. Holding companies (taxable and tax – exempt) in an international context;

  2. Finance companies and - structures;

  3. Luxembourg head office companies with foreign branches;

  4. Luxembourg branches of foreign head offices;

  5. Royalty – schemes both in a domestic Luxembourg environment as well as in an international context;

  6. Mergers and acquisitions;

  7. The use of tax transparent entities;

  8. International portfolio structures ;

  9. Venture capital structures ;

  10. Estate planning structures ;

  11. European real estate structures ;

  12. Trading structures, commissionaire structures, cost contribution arrangements ;

  13. Repackaging structures ;

  14. Stock lending.

International network

Being independent, we work together with a range of local correspondents in various countries. We chose these people on the basis of their professionalism, efficiency and rapidity.  These correspondents form a mix of different people and range from employees of the “big five firms” to one-man firms.