About us


Who are we?

Our Luxembourg based firm is a tax boutique specialised in international tax services: These services include but are not limited to the granting of tax advice in an international context and we thereby focus on international corporation tax and Luxembourg corporate tax aspects. We further are active in the field of tax compliance, which includes the preparation of Luxembourg corporate  income tax returns and national net wealth tax returns. To the extent necessary and desired, we also liaise with the local Luxembourg Tax Authorities in relation to private advance tax rulings and tax compliance type of work. We are also involved in monitoring the establishment of company structures from our tax perspective and work together with a variety of local Luxembourg trust companies.

We dare to say that for the duration of our presence in Luxembourg, which dates back to February 1994, we have built up a good reputation as independent and innovative tax advisers and thereby maintain a good relationship with the local Tax Authorities.

What are we not?

We are neither a law firm nor a bookkeeping firm. We are therefore not rendering services in the field of legal advice, nor are we involved in administering companies. You will also not be able to domicile companies with our firm or entrust to us the local management of companies.


Contrary to a variety of competing firms, we strictly adhere to the principle of independency. It is our strong believe that such absolute independency can only be achieved, if the tax advice is given by an independent tax adviser, i.e. not being linked - be it formally or informally - to a local trust company and / or any other local service company. When advising, we usually compare the advantages of a Luxembourg based structure with structures in countries having similar tax benefits. We feel that such presence of a link with a local trust company could endanger the independency of the advice to be provided.

With regard to the above mentioned legal – and trust – services, we work together with various local law firms and local trust companies. Without exception, we thereby favour professionalism and service mindedness rather than size or reputation. In this way TaxSarts feels it addresses the needs of the client in the best possible way, providing the optimal solution and service to the highest standard.

Our client base

The vast majority of our international clients are middle – sized / bigger  companies and (stock listed) multinationals seeking to minimise their overall tax burden. We also count a number of (foreign) individuals to our client base, but the bulk of our advisory services is mainly with regard to these middle – sized to multinational companies.

Among these clients are important US, Swedish and Dutch quoted software companies, US, Italian and Romanian pharmaceutical industries (of which some are listed), an important tour operator group established on a worldwide basis, a Brasilian quoted mining company, an important Belgian group of companies active in logistics, some companies active in the production and sale of jewellery, an important US real estate group, a car import company, an UK broadcasting group and an important food and beverage group having presences all over the world. In addition to these multinational clients, Tax S. Arts offers it tax advisory services and tax compliance services to some medium sized companies, artists, sportsmen – and women and to some high net worth individivuals / informal investors.

Managing director

Our managing director is Stefan Arts. Stefan graduated in 1989 and has an university degree in Tax Law (Tilburg, the Netherlands).
Click here to look at Stefan's curriculum vitae.